Grooming a lagotto is not supposed to be difficult, but I think it's the one breed topic that causes the questions. Lagotto are a "wash and wear" breed. That means that they really don't need a whole lot of fancy grooming. The coat does need to be taken care of in order to avoid matting and over growth, but overall, Lagotti are dogs that are supposed to look curly and rustic.   

​There are two main types of lagotto looks. There is the "show cut or coat" and the "working cut".  

At House Woller, we groom our own dogs. We always use a sulfate free shampoo AND conditioner. We use a scissor that is made for curly coated dogs. We also shave our dogs down three times a year, March and July just prior to spring/summer due to the Central Florida heat. We also shave our pups down in October so they have a nice thick coat for winter. 

Our puppy parents  have a grooming section that is filled with our favorite literature that we have found over the years . Below are helpful places to find grooming info.

We are so grateful to all of the authors that we have listed below, who have put together such amazing information. 

Grooming Your Lagotto 

Examples of a female and male lagotto  in their show coat.  

Via The Lagotto Romagnolo Club of Great Britain

Via Lagotto Grooming Katrien van Gemet

Via Groomer to Groomer through Pinterest

Example of a male  lagotto in a "working" coat. 

Via Lagotto on the Hill

Via Lagotto Grooming Katrien van Gemet

Via Notes from the Grooming Table